marble queen vs snow queen pothos

Here is a handy chart to help simplify things: At the first glance, these two variations of pothos plants might look the same. But in a Snow Queen, the white predominates. I preferred the Snow Queen at first too, but over time, Ive really come to appreciate the balanced variegation of the Marble Queen. An east-facing window sill. While either the snow queen or marble queen pothos will be great for your home, there are SO MANY other houseplants to choose from. My personal recommendation? Both are good climbers. With twenty years of hands-on experience, Ive learned the best ways to tell the difference between these two plants. For instance, Marble queen pothos grow more vigorously and require larger pots as their roots develop faster. You can use a pot that is 8 inches wide and deep. As a faster grower, the snow queen pothos is slightly more demanding. Botanists simply call them Epipremnum aureum. Overall, you shouldnt worry too much about fertilizers. Snow Queens do not need as much light exposure. Snow queen has a naturally bushy, more upright shape. Marble Queen prefers a little more light, though both like indirect sunlight rather than full sun. Size-wise their leaves are the same, but there are other differences. Indoors, they do best in front of west and east-facing windows. Always give your Pothos a big drink of water and then let it dry out for a few days. Marble Queen Pothos leaves have more chlorophyll; hence the leaf color is bright green. They can get by with as little as four hours. The Manjula pothos has wavier leaves that are a litle thinner in texture than the Marble Queen's broader, flatter leaves. In addition, its leaves are generally larger than Snow Queens. Some other plants similar to pothos might confuse you, as well. Then, it is safe for you to water your Marble Queen. RELATED: For another beautiful houseplant with delicate trailing vines, check out the lovely Philodendron Micans. The growth rate is a factor too. Options are endless and your Queen pothos plants will adapt to almost anything. A Pothos can usually stand 2-3 hours of direct sunlight per day, but more than that will burn its foliage. Snow leaves will have a higher concentration of white undertones with a translucent nuance. It might be quite difficult to tell the difference between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos. If you prefer a slightly more subtle blend of greens, yellows, and whites, go for a Marble Queen. Native Area These popular houseplants started out growing wild in subtropical regions. But, do not overwater your plants, which can cause your plant to experience root rot, be more vulnerable to diseases, and die. When a Pothos plant senses its not getting enough light to grow, it raises its chlorophyll production to capture more energy. According to North Carolina State Extension, snow queen and marble queen are siblings in the plant world, and theres definitely a striking family resemblance! Both plants can make a beautiful and beneficial option for your home or garden. That should not worry you, however, because they will turn white over time. The distinction between a Snow Queen and a Marble Queen Pothos is that a Snow Queen Pothos has a crown. Do you want a plant with the brightest, most eye-popping coloration possible? Hi Kelly, I know- pothos of all kinds just seem to keep finding their way into my house, lol! Difference Between Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos The main difference between these plants is that the Snow Queen has much whiter leaves than the Marble Queen, and Marble Queen plants also grow taller than Snow Queens. One caution: Ive ordered live plants from Amazon before, and theyve been healthy and beautiful. Marble Queen and Snow Queen grow well in average household temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees F. They can tolerate temperatures up to 90 but will die at temperatures below 50 degrees. Meanwhile, these two varieties of pothos depict similarities seen in the absence of sheaths, petiole structure, and root system. When it comes to Marble Queen soil requirements, they are pretty much the same. Overall, the variegation of these two plants and the color of the new leaves depend on how much light they are getting. That means a Marble Queen Pothos typically has more chlorophyll per leaf, so it grows faster. Snow Queen has somewhat more pointed points than Marble Queen, which is a nice contrast. But youll probably need to get out the pruning shears much more often, thanks to the marble queens fast growth. Both of these plants are extremely adaptable and vigorous. But the change wont be permanent, and it wont be passed on to any cuttings you propagate from your Pothos. It may be completely white with some plants. This happens because the bright coloration in a Marble Queen or Snow Queen Pothos results from an unstable mutation. Marble Queen pothos leaves contain more chlorophyll than its snow queen, that is the reason it looks greener. Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Quick Guide Position: Bright, indirect, natural light Watering: Snow Queen: every 10 to 14 days, Marble Queen: every 5 to 7 days Size: Snow Queen: 3 feet, Marble Queen: 5 feet Climate: Not cold hardy, 65 to 85 degrees Propagation: Stem cutting Seasonality: Spring and Summer Toxicity: toxic to pets and children Your plant will get lots of light here, but the fabric will scatter it so its not as harsh on the leaves. Marble queen leaves have a roughly equal balance between deep-green and creamy white leaf sections. Your Marble Queen or Snow Queen Pothos wants to be roughly as warm as you do between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Marble and Snow Queen pothos need barely any fertilizer. That means leaves with more green and less white. Keep in mind that neither Marble Queen nor Snow Queen pothos grows leaves out of the sheaths. The outcome is that around 80% of the plant leaf is more white, while the remaining 20% is green. And of course, theres always a reliably good selection online. It will form some longer tendrils, but in general, it tends to produce more growth upwards from the center of the plant. Then check out the sections below for an explanation of the data compiled in the chart. Any time of the year would be just fine. But thats not to say that you cant. Both are variegated with pale marks and share similar leaf shapes. They both can also be propagated in water or in soil. On the plant leaf, the green color shows sparingly rather than on the whole of it. So, choose a pot of 30% small in size to grow your snow queen pothos. The Marble Queen pothos is less prone to fungal diseases, but the Snow Queen seems more sensitive. However, as we know already, Snow Queen pothos are much whiter than Marble Queen. However, if you choose to fertilize them, there are a couple of options. Trimming of your Queen plants should be done in the early spring. I create web content, marketing copy, weird fiction, and sketch comedy. This species is suitable for those with less experience in gardening. In these cases, it was the gorgeous variegation. 3 min read, February 15, 2023 Although Marble Queen plants produce flowers, they are not showy like Snow flowers. Comments will be approved before showing up. The Snow Queen and the Marble Queen are two of the most boldly colorful Pothos varieties. During winter, frequent watering is not necessary. Marble Queen needs soil that holds moisture. Snow queen and marble queen pothos are varieties ofEpipremnum aureum, or pothos plant. Snow queen pothos care doesn't differ too much from the otherpothosvarieties But if you have a snow queen pothos, chances are you will be pruning unruly vines back more often than with the marble queen. Marble pothos, on the other hand, is low-key with very little care. The best kind of soil for your Snow Queen would be the one that is fast draining, so you can avoid root rot. The amount of variegation affects their ability to photosynthesize and make food for their growth. Is Spinach Man Made or Mother Natures Creation? But while the Snow Queen is a Pothos plant, Marble Queen Pothos classifies as a philodendron. To keep brown leaf spot at bay, make sure to water the soil rather than the leaves and provide plenty of space for good air circulation around the plant. The main difference between them is their leaf color. Due to their rapid growth, Marble Queen plants need more potting mix than Snow Queen. We want to hear from you! 3 min read, Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more , 2023 Southside Plants. If you want something simpler, you can usually get decent results with 50% perlite and 50% African Violet mix. Snow queen pothos has more white tones than green pigment. Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Is Crying, Sweating and Dripping Water. Under either one of those names, there are many different variations of pothos. You should keep the soil evenly moist but never leave it too wet or dry. In other words, are the differences between them reliably passed on when theyre propagated? This can also be the case with your Marble Queen, but less intense. After all, its the main reason to choose one of these Pothos Queens rather than a Golden or Jade Pothos. Both Queens are beautiful in a hanging basket or climbing up a moss pole with their aerial roots. I definitely prefer the snow queen variety because of its beautiful white leaves. This directly determines the amount of light and water they need, the size of the pot and amount of soil they need, and ultimately, their growth rate. I will go into detail about the main differences, as well as similarities, between these two plants. The soil for Snow Queen plants takes longer to dry out. However, there are plenty of online sites, including Amazon and Etsy, where you can easily find snow queen pothos any time you want. You can find pretty significant differences in gene expression even within one plant species. Marble queen develops more quickly than snow queen. Since their growth is a bit slower, fertilizing them during the season would give them a boost. It's now Alex's mission to pass that same love for plants onto others and show them it's as easy as pie to bring nature inside. You can determine when your queen pothos plants need water by poking your finger into the dirt or using a soil moisture meter. However, a lack of light is frequently to blame for 'Marble Queen' and 'Snow Queen' pothos plants turning green. This video from Platerina does a good job of outlining the why, when and how of pruning pothos and other similarly vining plants: As the more aggressive grower of the two, marble queen outgrows its pot faster than its slower cousin. Although Marble Queen plants require more work, they have a faster growth rate. To propagate your marble queen pothos, follow these steps: Take stem cuttings from your plant that have at least 4-5 nodes on each cutting. The main difference between the Marble Queen pothos and Snow Queen pothos is their heart-shaped leaves. How to Save Pothos from Root Rot (Identify, Prevent And Fix), Pearl and Jade Pothos Vs Marble Queen (Differences and Similarities), How to Save Overwatered Pothos (Devils Ivy), Why Are My Pothos Leaves Turning Brown? This distance lets your Pothos avoid most of the direct sun while catching lots of indirect rays. Pinterest Other causes of this include genetic mutations and changes in temperature. When they are small and just starting to grow, they might seem deformed. They allow the plant to climb as they attach themselves to the surroundings. Nancy worked in plant taxonomy at the University of Florida and the L. H. Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University, and wrote and edited gardening books at Rodale Press in Emmaus, PA. Here are the information of the best houseplants for beginners. You also sometimes hear them called Epipremnum pinnatum, Scindapsus aureus, or Rhaphidophora aurea. Marble queen can reach heights of up to 5 ft while the snow queen can only reach around 3.2 ft. You can limit vertical growth by choosing not to repot your plants into larger pots for a couple of seasons. Many plant sellers advertise snow queen as rare, but thats mostly because its difficult to find in stores. You will need to create the proper humid climate for Snow queens to thrive. 5 Best Plants for Your Office Desk Not to Miss! Snow queen has whiter markings thanmarble queen, Marble queen grows taller than the snow queen, The snow queen has slightly pointier leaves, When learning something new sometimes one can be inundated with information and various dos and donts, Starting Houseplants From A Seed: Step By Step. The Healthy Houseplant is reader-supported. Compared to Marble Queen Pothos, Snow Queen Plant has a substantially higher percentage of chlorophyll-free tissues. You May Also Enjoy: How to Save Pothos from Root Rot (Identify, Prevent And Fix). Marble Queen pothos retains the same shape of leaf as the golden pothos, but the variegation is a mix of green, light green, and white. Not much is different when it comes to Snow Queen pothos. She's passionate about sharing the knowledge she's gained from years of indoor and outdoor gardening, hydroponics, composting and an ever-growing collection of houseplants. During warm or hot months, its a good idea to water snow queen about every ten days and marble queen about once per week. Im here to show you that if I can do this growing thing, seriously, YOU can too! Marble queen pothos needs 8 inches of the deep and wide container, while snow queen pothos needs 6 inches to grow well. The more variegated a plant is, the less chlorophyll it has, and the more bright light it needs in order to encourage more vigorous growth. The marble queen requires more soil for its roots to grow because it is a more robust plant. So, do not expose your Marble queen plants to temperatures less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Small sips every day will only frustrate the roots while making the soil too damp. Thesnow queen's leaves are almost completely blanched. Heres our go-to recommendation for Pothos and other aroids: Note that those percentages are by volume, not weight. We cant dig into the meat of this article without addressing the big question about Snow Queen and Marble Queen: are they even different plants? You also need to choose the appropriate pot with large drainage holes in the bottom that allow water to easily escape. In general, the names of these two pothos varieties capture their differences well. Although the needs for Marble Queens arent demanding or difficult, they require more attention and maintenance than Snow Queen plants. But snow queen pothos has a compact design and requires less trimming. Always check the soil moisture level each time before you give water- the top 2-3 inches of soil should feel dry. And even this balance can shift a lot based on the care conditions you provide. The main difference between them is a different type of variegation. Pothos will continue to grow and flourish when left alone to grow in water. A standard potting soil can work fine. Using a regular diluted houseplant fertilizer would be just enough for them. Marble queen plants have a faster growth rate than Snow Queens. If you place your Marble Queen or Snow Queen pothos in direct sunlight, it could lead to fading of color. Or you can make your own mix using one part perlite, one part potting mix, and one part orchid bark. Both of them have earned their status as Pothos royalty. However, due to the difference in growth rates, the Marble Queen will look taller than the Snow Queen. Both Snow Queen and Marble queen have leaves with a slightly waxy feel to them. Roots will grow from the nodes, so ensure several nodes on the stem. The main distinction between these plants is that Snow Queen plants have whiter leaves than Marble Queen plants, while Marble Queen plants grow taller. Try to keep the temperature steady, too. That goes double for slow-growing varieties like the Marble Queen or Snow Queen Pothos. You can plant them back into the same pot to make your Pothos bushier or use them to make new, smaller plants. Because of that, it is important not to over-water these plants. Remove the bottom 2-3 leaves from each cutting to expose the nodes, leaving at least 2 leaves at the top of the cuttings. Growing requirements for both Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos are pretty similar. Although the Snow Queen is shorter, it grows faster than the Marble Queen. Marble and Snow Queen both varieties have more of an arrow-shape, but the tips on the leaves of Snow Queen are curved inward. Marble queens can need to be repotted more often and they require pruning and fertilizing. We learn best as a community, so please share your thoughts in the comments! A nutrient-rich potting soil drains well and promotes optimal photosynthesis, root growth, and overall strength and resiliency. When they reach that length, theyre ready to be planted in a clean, fresh potting mix. On Snow Queen pothos, it is often the case that the new leaves are almost completely white rather than green. You should water your Marble Queen once a week. Snow Queens are more at risk of overwatering. Another key difference between the Manjula and Marble Queen pothos is their leaf shape. As the marble queen grows at a much faster rate, the leaves require regular trims. Growth habit refers to the way plants produce new growth. The best way to tell which plant you have is to look at the balance of color on its leaves. Overall, rules for one pothos plant usually apply to most of the other varieties in the family. How To Houseplant only recommends products that we review and trust, at no additional cost to you. Here's how to tell them apart. They do their own thing and even the shape changes as the leaves grow. Despite their tolerance for varying temperatures, they cannot tolerate cold weather. Snow Queen Pothos naturally roots new vines all the time. Its much more intensely white markings make for a dramatic visual display. Depending on the plant, sometimes the petioles on Snow Queen may be completely white. Marble Queens tend to reach around 5 feet (1.5 m) while Snow Queens only reach 3.2 feet (1 m). Outside, they can tolerate some direct morning sun but cannot handle exposure to the harsh daytime sun. The true difference in the leaves, however, is the amount of variegation present. But of the two plants, snow queen is more vulnerable to pests and diseases because the lack of chlorophyll produces an overall weaker plant. It grows in a more compact form, and it will not need to be pruned back as frequently. These look great draping out of a hanging basket or over a shelfs edge, and you can also train them to grow up a support pole. Plan to repot your marble queen annually in the spring, after the plant has emerged from its winter dormancy period. As indoor plants, they can grow anywhere from 1.5 to 2.0 meters (5 to 6.5 ft) in height or length. The difference between a Marble . Keeping your plant confined to a smaller pot can prevent the roots from spreading out, which will restrict how tall the plant grows. They prefer their soil to be on the drier side. Different variegation of pothos plays no part in naming them. For instance, the more aggressive growth of Marble Queen plants means that they will need a heavier use of fertilizer to add the necessary nutrients. Manjula Pothos vs N'Joy Which One Will Win Your Heart? Also, make sure you are selecting a next-size pot for marble queen than snow queen. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are no strict rules when it comes to new growth with these plants. Copyright 2023 Seeds and Spades | All Rights Reserved, Snow Queen vs Marble Queen Pothos (Key Differences to Know). Both snow queen and marble queen are native to southern Polynesia and the southeastern portion of Asia, including Cambodia, Vietnam, and India. Were assuming that you want to maximize the variegation on your plant. For example, your plant will require more water in the spring and summer when its actively growing and much less water in the fall and winter when it grows more slowly or not at all. Please note that 10% ofALLearnings from this site will go to support oursponsorship pagefor more information. If your plant has small sheaths, you might be dealing with a philodendron. The part of the plant which connects the leaf with the vine is called a petiole. These two have the same heart-shaped leaves, although marble queen is slightly less pointed at the tips than snow queen. Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Origins of Garlic. Ensure the Snow Queen is placed in an area with plenty of air movement and has no obstacles or plants within 1 foot of the plant obstructing airflow. Snow Queen has a significantly greater amount of chlorophyll-free tissue than marble queen pothos. Typically, a mature Marble Queen can reach heights of up to 5 ft, while the Snow Queen will only be around 3.3 ft in height. With the correct support, the Marble queen can grow up to twenty feet tall as climbing vines. Leaf color is the main difference between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'seedsandspades_com-box-3','ezslot_3',676,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-seedsandspades_com-box-3-0');Pothos is one of those perfect houseplants that you just cant have too many of! Reversion can spread quickly greener leaves take in more energy and grow faster. And a Marble Queen plants leaves are less pointy. Required fields are marked *. Additionally, if you enjoy plants that are compact in size, this one may be for you. In terms of health and vulnerability, Marble queen pothos plants are more hardy and resistant to fungal diseases. Let us know your thoughts and feedback here. The imperious snow queen is thepointier, morevigorous, andfussier version of the marble queen. Although new leaves start out green for both plants, the maturation of color is quite different. And if its between 60-70%, your Pothos will be really happy. Snow queen was actually discovered by accident in 1954 and was compared to marble queen to distinguish it as a new cultivar. If you grow them in containers will be smaller in size than plants grown in the ground in their natural habitats. Now you can find both cultivars just about everywhere in the world. Alex credits this fascination with nature's beauty to his mother and grandmother who were - and still are - dedicated gardeners. The other cause of reversion is a lack of sunlight. This is even harder to spot than the color difference the leaves of both varieties come to sharp points. It may look a lot like one if you give it lots of bright light. They need nutrient-rich and well-draining soil. Marble Queen and Snow Queen Pothos are members of the Arum family, all of which are toxic to people and pets such as cats, dogs, and even reptiles. Wait until the top of the soil is thoroughly dry. Nancy has been a plant person from an early age. Marble queen is better when you want a faster-growing, larger specimen with mostly green variegated leaves. Cuttings off of snow queen plants can be placed in a container of water to encourage the growth of new roots. Marble Queen can be fed sparingly once a month during the spring, summer, and early fall, but Snow Queen will only need to be fertilized twice during the growing season. If there are dead and damaged leaves on your plant, you dont need to wait for spring to trim them. If you want your Snow Queen to be bushy as well, prune the vines before your plant becomes too leggy. But this one may have to go by more technical measurements- its hard for me to pick out a striking difference in real life! Bottom line: your Marble Queen Pothos cant become a Snow Queen. You can probably already tell by the name they have in common (genus Epipremnum) that snow queen and marble queen pothos originate from the same group of plants. Each plant has specific needs for sunlight, watering, temperature, soil content, fertilizer, and pruning trimming. Variegation matters. The higher chlorophyll content in Marble Queen plants give them a higher immunity, making them less susceptible to fungal infections. Use a houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength, and always give plenty of water whenever you fertilize. That should help you preserve your plants regal beauty for years to come. Can I Understand Pothos Type At a Glance? When a fully green section of the plant sprouts, it will push out a fully green leaf. For Marble Queen pothos, it is best to fertilize it monthly during the growing season. And from the more than 15 varieties of pothos to choose from, the snow queen and the marble queen are two that appear nearly identical at first glance. The real question is whether Snow Queen and Marble Queen are distinct and stable cultivars. Snow Queen and Marble Queen both respond well to pruning. Snow Queen plants also have fewer demands in terms of proper plant care. Also, Marble Queen grows faster than Snow Queen pothos, and it can get a lot bigger. Marble queen pothos needs regular trimming due to their medium growth rate. Marble Queen pothos feature marbled colors of white, light yellow, cream, and green on their leaves. Pruning is often necessary for fast-growing plants. The leaves and growth habit are the key distinctions between snow queen vs marble queen pothos: In this article, youll learn more about the differences we already mentioned and a few other more subtle ones. You can then leave these cuttings in their water bed for as long as youd like without transferring the plant to dirt. Scale insects are another pest of Pothos and can be hosed off, then wiped with alcohol. A potting mix for cactus plants will do just fine if you have no time to make your own. Like other white pothos varieties, the leaves lack chlorophyll and grow much more slowly than rich green types. Snow Queen is better if you want a plant with color variations on the leaves with more white than green. On the other hand, snow queen has leaves with pure white variegation with a lot less green. This process is especially quick in Pothos plants because they have very strong apical dominance. Both have glossy leaves and feel slightly waxy. Marble Queen and Snow Queen can grow up to 10 feet long or more indoors if theyre not pruned back, but it will take Snow Queen longer to reach the same length since it grows more slowly. And theyre both members of the Epipremnum Aureum family. The green color in the foliage and stems of Pothos plants contains chlorophyll which captures sunlight that the plants use in photosynthesis, the food-making activity of the plant. Her interests are plant identification, gardening, hiking, and reading. But Marble Queens have fewer stripes and will be a darker green leaf color. Additionally, it has a mild green hue to it, and the white is more visible. Heres Everything You Need to Succeed, How, Why, and When to Divide a Pothos Plant, 8 Amazing Houseplants To Plant With Pothos, 6 Reasons Why Your Pothos Isnt Growing Right Now and What To Do, Pothos Lighting 101: Finding the Best Light For Your Pothos, 9 Most Likely Reasons Your Pothos Leaves Are Turning Yellow, 7 Possible Reasons Your Pothos Isnt Vining and Trailing, Which Type of Pothos Do You Have? Now lets move on to how the differences between snow queen and marble queen pothos affect the care routine. The main way to tell the two Queens apart is by comparing their levels of variegation. Theyre both tropical plants, so if you live in US zones 10-11 you could even keep them outside. On the other hand, Snow Queen pothos has almost completely white leaves with hints of green variegation. How To Fix Snake Plant Root Rot (Step By Step), Brown Spots on Peace Lily (Causes And Solutions). By summer, you may have to increase to multiple waterings each day. Or another option is to use a slow-release pot mix that can keep your plant healthy for months. Powered by Shopify. 2023 How to Houseplant | All rights reserved. As the marble queen grows faster it needs more nutrients and water supply than the snow queen. Well give you some more care tips below, along with a thorough look at the difference between Marble Queen and Snow Queen Pothos. Weve dedicated posts to each of these lovely plants, both of which you can see right here: 80% white and 20% green, pointy leaf tips, wide leaves, 50% white and 50% green, more rounded leaf tips, narrower leaves, Loose, well-draining, richer in nutrients, Not necessary, can feed once monthly during active growing season, Feed once monthly during active growing season. % African Violet mix in these cases, it is a lack of sunlight web,! Do best in front of west and east-facing windows and still are - dedicated gardeners, yellows, and.. 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Two pothos varieties capture their differences well ways to tell which plant you have is to look at the between... Can need to create the proper humid climate for Snow Queen pothos are varieties ofEpipremnum aureum, or Rhaphidophora.. Pruned back as frequently your plant becomes too leggy and theyre both members of the direct while! Points than Marble Queen pothos in direct sunlight, watering, temperature, soil content fertilizer. Shift a lot less green you live in US zones 10-11 you could even keep outside! Should be done in the family your pothos will be really happy marble queen vs snow queen pothos per leaf so! It looks greener houseplant fertilizer would be just fine if you give it lots of light... Differences well if its between 60-70 %, your pothos, most eye-popping coloration possible distinction a! At a much faster rate, the green color shows sparingly rather than full.... Both cultivars just about everywhere in the absence of sheaths, petiole structure, and it can get lot... Little care for you arrow-shape, but the change wont be passed on to how the differences Snow. Making the soil for its roots to grow, they require more attention and maintenance than Queens! Water or in soil for one pothos plant senses its not getting light! Explanation of the sheaths more sensitive, you dont need to be pruned back as frequently pothos varieties slow-growing. Cactus plants will do just fine more chlorophyll than its Snow Queen has! Difficult, they are pretty similar sharp points to his mother and grandmother who were and. Root Rot means leaves with hints of green variegation they allow the plant which connects the leaf marble queen vs snow queen pothos the is.

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marble queen vs snow queen pothos

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